Who, Where,
What, When, Why
Borrowing the Five Elements of Circumstance to explain the raison d’être for a mountain hotel was perhaps not what Aristotle had in mind – but it suits our story well.
1. We are a group of friends with a lifelong attachment to the mountains and all that they offer.
That’s the WHO.
2. We met in Verbier in the 80’s fell in love with the 4 Valleys including the ideally situated town of La Tzoumaz. That’s the WHERE.
3. The charming, albeit slightly neglected, Hotel de la Poste came up for sale. That’s the WHAT.
4. In the autumn of 2019 we managed to close the deal, renovated and re-opened for Christmas. Whew! That’s the WHEN.
5. We are certain that if you give us and our equally passionate and even more charming staff a chance to be your hosts you will understand the WHY!
For bookings and inquiries for the current and upcoming season please
contact Les Elfes International.

Getting here
La Tzoumaz is an easy drive from the airports of Sion, Geneva and Zürich:
Sion = 55 km
Geneva =160 km
Zürich = 280 km
By Public Transport
Arriving from Geneva: Take the train to Martigny and then change for a regional train to Riddes.
Arriving from Bern/Zürich: Take the train to Viège or Sion and then the regional train to Riddes.
From there get the cable car up to Isérables and then the post bus to La Tzoumaz
Private transfers
Espace Tourisme
+41 27 458 18 21
+41 79 220 34 41
Olivier Limat
+41 79 635 07 10